57 Metric Drive, Tallmadge, OH 44278
Tel: 330-630-2580
Family Focused. Independent. Custom Care
EyePromise Vitamins
EyePromise Vitamins offers a full suite of nutrients essential for eye health. These nutrients help preserve and support vision for people concerned with age-related eye health. Features include:
Increases macular pigment to help enhance and protect vision.
Replicates the natural 2:1 ratio of zeaxathin to lutein found in a healthy fovea (center of macula).
Highest quality ingredients.
The only eye vitamin guaranteed to increase macular pigment optical density (MPOD).
Recommended by Dr. Dave and Dr. Michelle Dawson.

EZ Tears
Zeaxathin + Lutein
EyePromise Restore Vitamins work to proactively reduce the risk of age-related health issues often seen with macular degeneration. This formula includes antioxidants like lutein and zeaxathin, Omega-3 and vitamin C, which help maintain a healthy macula. It supports blood vessel health and the combination of these antioxidants and fatty-acids is key to maintaining healthy vision.
EyePromise EZ Tears helps reduce symptoms of dry eye and help produce and maintain healthy tear flow. Working from the inside out, you'll notice a difference in a week. with ingredients like Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin-D, this formula will help alleviate dry, burning, and itchy eyes. It even works well for contact lens wearers.
EyePromise Zeaxathin + Lutein concentrates the antioxidants found in the EyePromise Restore vitamins and puts them into overdrive. These antioxidants are found in the back of the eye (macula), but are not made naturally by the body; instead, we get them from food. Supplement your diet and protect your vision with the Zeaxathin + Lutein formula.